Fluminense FC Tryouts
Fluminense Football Club, known simply as Fluminense, is a Brazilian sports club based in the neighbourhood of Laranjeiras, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The club competes in the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A, the top flight of Brazilian football.
Fluminense FC Youth Development System
The Fluminense base aims to provide quality athletes for the professional squad. Few clubs in Brazil use cut jewelry so expressively at home. Tricolor has a formation that starts in futsal or in official schools (Projeto Guerreirinhos) and passes through Xerém, with all the support to develop athletes in the best way. Flu was the first large club in Rio de Janeiro to hold the CBF Training Club Certificate.

CTVL – Vale das Laranjeiras Training Center – is located in Xerém, in the municipality of Duque de Caxias-RJ. The tricolor base CT has an area of over 120 thousand m². The Xerém Moleques have, in all, seven fields, one of artificial grass, gym, dormitory for 90 athletes, psychology room, nutrition, physiology department, auditorium, cafeteria, methodology room, performance room and necessary structure to develop athletes’ soccer in the best possible way.
Xerém follows the same training methodology for all categories. However, the work is different for each age group, respecting the physical, mental and technical development of each Moleque de Xerém. The age groups are:
– Under-19
– Under-17
– Under-16
– Under-15
– Under-14
– Under-13
– Under-12
– Under-11
Fluminense FC Academy Trials/Recruitment:
The capture of athletes from Xerém is a reference, with a group of professional scout, which has regionalized evaluators, to analyze players throughout Brazil and in the main centers of Latin America. Players are captured after a series of studies and monitoring of games. The work is fully integrated with the main team. The athletes arrive at the club and undergo new evaluations by the technical coordinators, the technical commissions and an evaluation committee, before being incorporated into the rosters.
Fluminense has evaluators who have the function of observing athletes in different locations. However, the selection of athletes for the basic divisions is carried out in several other ways. One is through friendly matches and participation in tournaments with teams from different locations, in which coaches from Fluminense teams select the athletes who are most interested. Another way is through the selection process at the Vale das Laranjeiras Training Center itself, with athletes wishing to join the base divisions of Fluminense. In addition to external evaluations in official and unofficial tournaments across Brazil.

Fluminense is one of the few clubs in Brazil that have futsal fully focused on training players for field football. The sport, a breadbasket for soccer players all over the world, is directly linked to the board of Xerém and has great integration with athletes and professionals from both areas. Many athletes who shone and shine in the club’s main team arrived at Tricolor through futsal. Currently, more than 100 boys from futsal develop their talents at CT Vale das Laranjeiras, in Xerém.
Little warriors:
One of the greatest differentials of Fluminense in its system for attracting young players is the Guerreirinhos project. It allows soccer schools with the club’s game philosophy and training methodology to be opened anywhere in Brazil, or abroad, as long as, of course, they can fulfill the requirements to become a franchise. There are already more than 30 athletes from the schools currently training in Xerém. The schools are often visited by Tricolor professionals. In them, in addition to the quality required to receive the club’s certificate, Fluminense’s training methodology is charged.

Contrary to what happens in most clubs, the official schools are not products of Fluminense’s marketing. They are part of the Xerém fundraising system and help bring great players to Xerém. The Guerreirinhos project (official schools) represents much more than a school that teaches football to children. For the proven benefit that sport brings to young people, not only physical, but in the disciplinary part, Fluminense demonstrates its noble interest in solidifying itself more and more as an institution that is committed to society.
A full list of Little warriors schools is listed at the bottom of this page.
Fluminense welcomes teams and schools to hold friendlies on the premises of Xerém. This activity is a relevant part of the development process of athletes from the club’s base divisions.
Therefore, if there is interest in making friendlies at CTVL against Fluminense’s base teams, contact the Xerém Coordination: Edgard Maba, Decio Oliveira, Raphael Munhoz and Raphael Mello. Telephone: (21) 2679-4634.
Fluminense is also interested in making friendlies outside CTVL. For this, Tricolor requires that the interested party provide the transportation of the team, food and accommodation, if necessary.
Fluminense is one of the Brazilian clubs that most reveals quality players for the main team and for the market. Xerém’s Moleques undergo a complete formation that starts in futsal, or in the official schools (Projeto Guerreirinhos) and continues in Xerém.

In Xerém, the player finds a specific CT for the base. There are a total of seven fields, one of which is artificial grass, a gym, a dormitory for 90 athletes and all the necessary structure to develop the Xerém Moleques spread over more than 120 thousand m² of used area. Tricolor has its own game philosophy and training methodology for all categories.
Check out some of the main players revealed by Xerém in recent years and who currently defend other clubs: Evanilson, Ibañez, Wendel, Pedro, Ayrton Lucas, Gerson, Douglas, Kenedy, Fabinho, Tiago Volpi, Marcelo, Thiago Silva, Carlos Alberto…
CTVL Training Center
Purpose : Make a better person so we will have a better player
Mission : To train soccer players in the social, sporting and human fields in excellence
Vision: To be a reference in the identification, development and disclosure of professional soccer players by 2022
Values: Meritocracy, Creativity, Respect , Team Spirit and Commitment

CTVL – Vale das Laranjeiras Training Center
Located in Xerém, in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, the Vale das Laranjeiras Training Center has an area of over 120 thousand m². The Xerém Moleques have, in all, seven fields, one of artificial grass, gym, dormitory for 90 athletes, psychology room, nutrition, physiology department, auditorium, cafeteria, methodology room, performance room and all the necessary structure to develop the best football possible for athletes from the most complete training academy in Brazil, and Fluminense is the only club in Rio de Janeiro with a specific CT for the youth categories.
Fluminense FC Affiliate Academies (Little Warriors)
There are several schools Fluminense FC has in Brazil and other countries. Below is a list of schools affiliated with Fluminense FC.

ABOLIÇÃO Rodrigo Menezes Alves Rua Angelina, 197 Tel: (21) 3272-5873 e Cel: (21) 97233-8662 E-mail: contato@escolinhafluminense.com.br Site: www.fluengenhodedentro.com.br Facebook: @fluengenhodedentro | ATERRO Diego Nascimento Maximiniano Campo 3 do Aterro do Flamengo, em frente à Rua Silveira Martins. Tel.: (21) 99359-2761(Prof. Diego) E-mail: guerreirinhosdoaterro@gmail.com Instagram: guerreirinhos_do_aterro Facebook: @guerreirinhosdoaterro |
BANGU Prof. Leandro Rua Coronel Tamarindo, 2.496, Bangu Tel: (21) 96425-3400 E-mail: profemarciel@gmail.com Facebook: @Flubangu Instagram: Guerreirinhos_Flu bangu | BARRA DA TIJUCA Tathiana Medeiros Rua Rosauro Estelita, 607, Arena Rio Mar, Barra da Tijuca Cel: (21)97036-0008 / 99786-6647 mail: escolaflubarra@gmail.com Instagram: @guerreirinhosflubarra Facebook: Guerreirinhos Flu Barra |
BRÁS DE PINA Rômulo Pereira Rodrigues Praça Anhangá, 112 – Bras de Pina Country Club Tel: (21)98797-9206 E-mail: prof.rodriguezrp@gmail.com www.fluolaria.com.br Facebook: @Copadomundoguerreirinhos | CAMPO GRANDE Celso Thompson Vieira Jr Rua Filismino de Moura no. 1 Rio da Prata – Campo Grande, RJ Tels: (21)98509-2612 e 96415-3503 E-mail: profcelsothompson@gmail.com Facebook: GuerreirinhosCG |
CASCADURA Mário Marques Coelho Rua Padre Telêmaco, 94 Tels: (21) 97016-1769 (Prof. Claudio Racinha) E-mail: claudioracinha6@hotmail.com Facebook: @EscolinaDeFutebolFluCascadura | DEL CASTILHO Prof. Álvaro Luiz Barcelos Pereira (Coordenação Técnica Barcelos Academy) Rua Volta Grande, 20 Tels: (21) 99895-7099 E-mail: barcelosacademy@gmail.com Facebook: @FluDelCastilhoRJ Instagram: @flu_del_castilho |
FREGUESIA Vagner – Central de Atendimento Rua Geremário Dantas, 1.400, G5, Jacarepaguá Tel: (21) 3062-5070 / (21)97143-1668 Site: www.espacochutecerto.com.br Facebook: @FluFreguesia | GUARATIBA Luciano da Silva Francisco Estrada do Magarça 516 (Escola Rural São Vicente de Paulo), com extensões na Estrada do Magarça 3325 e Estrada do Cabuçu de Baixo, 800 B; todos em Guaratiba, RJ Tel: (21) 96422-5220 E-mail: lucianofrancis@bol.com.br Facebook: @Guerreirinhos-Guaratiba |
ILHA DO GOVERNADOR I (Galeão) Francisco de Assis da Silva Rua Praia Belo Jardim, 619 – Galeão – no Clube dos Oficias de Sargentos da Aeronáutica tel: (21) 3393-2452, 7738-6092 (Prof. Assis) e 7875-2048 (Prof. Estevão) rádios: 91*181399 (Prof. Assis) e 12*9873 (Prof. Estevão) | ILHA DO GOVERNADOR II (Praia da Rosa/Moneró) Sandro Ivo Gomes da Costa Rua Praia da Rosa, 1.350 – Governador Iate Clube tel: (21) 96406-2292 E-mail: sandroilha86@hotmail.com |
MÉIER Prof. Álvaro Luiz Barcelos Pereira (Coordenação Técnica Barcelos Academy) Rua Doutor Leal, nº 861 – Méier Tel: (21)99895-7099 mail:barceloscademy@gmail.com Facebook: @FluMeier Instagram: @FluMeier | OLARIA Washington Rodrigues da Silva e Roberto Rebuli Rua Wilson de Lasheras Silva, 09, Olaria Tel: (21) 96699-9409 e (21) 98743-3821 E-mail: filhosdeolaria@gmail.com |
OSWALDO CRUZ João Carlos da Silva Rua Adelaide Badajós 18 Oswaldo Cruz (com filial na Estrada do Sapê, 950 – Rocha Miranda) Tel:( 21 ) 98135-2394 E-mail: joaoangelocoach@gmail.com Facebook: @escolinha.flu | PADRE MIGUEL Mauro Jorge Pereira Leite (prof Maurinho) Av. Santa Cruz, 2316 Tel: (21) 3159-2431 e (21) 7873-0859 E-mail: maurinhoflupadremiguel@hotmail.com Site: www.sportsplanetfutebol.com.br Facebook: @guerreirinhosflupadremiguel |
PECHINCHA Vagner – Central de atendimento Rua Mirataia, 121 Tel: (21) 3062-5070 / (21)97143-1668 Site: www.espacochutecerto.com.br facebook: /guerreirinhos.pechincha.9 | PRAÇA SECA Rodrigo Menezes Alves Rua Candido Benicio, 1.100 – Campinho Tel: (21) 3272-5873 / (21) 3226-3395 / (21) 97233-8655 / (21) 97233-8662 E-mail: contato@escolinhafluminense.com.br Site: www.escolinhafluminense.com.br Facebook: @flupracaseca |
RAMOS Prof. Celso Thompson V. Jr Rua João Romariz, 186 – Ramos RJ Cel: (21)98509-2612 Email: lionsarenarm@gmail.com Instagram: lions_arenact Facebook: lions arena | REALENGO Adauto Junior Estrada Gal. Canrobert Pereira da Costa, 355 Tel: (21) 7755-1879 (Prof. Junior) – (21)97971-2328 (Prof Rodrigo) E-mail: bragarodrigo3@gmail.com Facebook: @FluRealengoOficial |
RECREIO Novo Rio Soccer Empr. Esportivos – Jorge Tripoli / Márcia Av. Miguel Antônio Fernandes, 15 no Novo Rio Country Clube tel: (21) 2490-0030 E-mail: flurecreio@hotmail.com – Site: www.flurecreio.com.br Facebook: @FLU-Recreio | SENADOR CAMARÁ VIEGAS Prof Leandro Marciel Leite Rua Ponte Alta, 124 – Arena Viegas Tel: (21) 96425-3400 E-mail: profemarciel@gmail.com |
TAQUARA Isabela Guimarães Correia Gonçalves Condomínio Gramado – Rua Mário Miranda, s/n (acesso pela Rua Rodrigues Caldas e Estr. do Rio Grande) Cel: 96415-6224 (Prof. Isabela) E-mail: professoraisabela@flutaquara.com.br Site: www.flutaquara.com.br | TIJUCA I Claudenilson dos Santos Silva Rua Haddock Lobo, 195 na Casa Vila da Feira. tels.: (21) 99358-3122- (21) 3933-3801(Prof. Denilson), E-mail: daniefamilia@yahoo.com.br Facebook: @Guerreirinhosflutijuca |
VARGEM PEQUENA Edivaldo Amaro / Ailton Ferraz Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 11.227 Tel: (21) 96960-8739 E-mail: edivaldoamaro@hotmail.com | VILA DA PENHA Felipe Oliveira Gonzaga Praça Paulo Setubal, s/n – (Praca da CETEL) Planeta da Bola – Rua Eng Francelino Mota, 681 Tel: (21) 99805-6911 E-mail: fluviladapenha@gmail.com facebook: @flu.viladapenha |
BELFORD ROXO Orlando Luís Ferreira Brandão Rua Neves García S/N Lote 36 Quadra E, Lote 15 – Society do Quinzão (na Rua da Feira) E-mail: orlandobrandaofut@gmail.com Tel: (21) 96491-4591 | MARICÁ – ITAIPUAÇÚ Prof. Silvio Seixas Martins Rua Albertino Pereira do Vale, qd 382 Lt 35 (antiga Rua 77 com 35) Jardim Atlântico, Itaipuaçú Tel: (21) 99330-6562 E-mail: profsilvioseixas@hotmail.com |
NITERÓI Camboinhas Pedro Luis de Oliveira Moraes e Fábio Autram Av. Professor Carlos Nelson Ferreira dos Santos, 125 (no Camboinhas Mall), Tel: (21) 3062-5070 / (21)97143-1668 Site: www.espacochutecerto.com.br facebook: @espacochutecerto | SÃO GONÇALO III (Arsenal) Josmiro de Góes dos Santos Sobrinho e Gustavo Silva de Souza Arena Society Endereço: Av. Eugênio Borges s/n Arsenal, São Gonçalo RJ Tel: (21) 99780-8870 / (21) 96417-8033 E-mail: josmirogss@hotmail.com e gustavinhosociety@gmail.com Facebook: @portaldoarsenal Instagram: guerreirinhos_do_arsenal_sg |
SÃO JOÃO DE MERITI Carlos Alberto Terra Rua Comendador Teles Lote 17 e 18 quadra 27 – Bairro Vilar dos Teles tel: (21) 97009-6225 E-mail: dillterra@yahoo.com.br Facebook : @guerreirinhossjmeriti | XERÉM (Escola Modelo) Sidney dos Santos Soares Avenida Pastor Manoel Avelino de Souza, 859 Email: guerreirinhosxerem@gmail.com Facebook: @escolamodeloguerreirinhosxeremctvl |
XERÉM MARCOPOLO Vitor Oliveira Terra dos Santos Rua Pastor Manoel Avelino de Souza, 2.064, Vila Santa Alice E-mail: vittorterra@gmail.com Tel: (21) 96417-1676 – (21) 3757-7750 | ARARUAMA Roberto Turatti Jr e Mauro de Melo Rua Doutor José Marcos da Silva 84, -Vila Capri -Araruama, RJ Tel: (21) 98108-8008 (Prof Junior) – (22) 98109-6557 (Mauro) Email: mauropmelo@hotmail.com / turattijunior2010@gmail.com Facebook: @guerreirinhosararuama |
CABO FRIO Jorge Fabrício da Silva Santos Unid. I: Rua Porto Alegre s/nº (esquina com Rua Cuiabá) – Jardim Caiçara Unid. II: Rua Davi Garcia Da Rocha numero 42. Jardim Esperança Tel: (22) 97402-8784 – (22) 98148-7843 E-mail: jfabricio8@hotmail.com Site: www.flucabofrio.com Facebook: @flucabofrio | CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES Fabricio Chaves e Anderson da Silva Rua Dr. Silvio Bastos Tavares, 254 – Pq Rodoviário Tel: (22)9996-8327 / : (22) 99731-2907 E-mail: fabriciochaves2021@gmail.com e andersonsilvacosta16@gmail.com |
ITAPERUNA João Gilberto Av. Luis Eugênio Monteiro de Barros, Cidade Nova (Campo do Itapuã) Tel:(22) 99953-6947 E-mail: flu.itaperuna.rj@gmail.com Facebook: @Escolinha-do-Flu-Itaperuna-Guerreirinhos | MACAÉ Sandro Moraes Rua Humberto de Queiros Matoso, 335 – Sol y Mar tel: (22) 99957-2029 (Sra. Marcia) E-mail: marcia.suone@gmail.com Facebook: @Guerreirinhos-Fluminense-Macaé |
NOVA FRIBURGO Marcos Pinheiro Miranda Rua Governador Carlos Lacerda, nº 240 – B. Olaria (Complexo Arena) Tel: (22) 98111-2891 / (22) 2523-6505 E-mail: saopedrofc@outlook.com Facebook: @efcsaopedro | PETRÓPOLIS Edgard Rabello Mabba Rua Washington Luiz no. 984 – Petrópolis, RJ Tel: (24) 2249-0296 e (24) 2291-0394 E-mail: edgard_maba@yahoo.com.br / sonia_maba@yahoo.com.br Facebook: @EscolinhaDoFluminensePetropolis |
RESENDE Prof Anderson Correa Rua das Andorinhas, s/nº, B. Morada da Felicidade (AABB) Tel: (21) 99294-8832 / (34) 3354-3038 mail: guerreirinhosresende@gmail.com Facebook: /fluresendeoficial Instagram: @fluresendeoficial | SÃO FIDELIS Anderson da Silva Costa Av. Emygdio Maia Santos s/ n. – Coroados Tel: (22) 99743-0872 e-mail: andersonsilvacosta16@gmail.com Facebook: @Escolinha-Guerreirinhos-de-Futebol-Sao-Fidelis-RJ |
SÃO PEDRO DA ALDEIA Leonardo da Rosa Sobrinho Rua Silva Jardim, 13 – Bairro Campo Redondo tel: (22) 99992-1001 E-mail: leoedfsobrinho@hotmail.com Facebook: @efcsaopedro | UNAMAR Marcelo Rodrigues Pereira Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, 84 – Unamar, Cabo Frio Tel: (22) 99265-2075 Email: professormarcelorj@gmail.com |
ESPIRITO SANTO CACHOEIRO DO ITAPEMIRIM (ES) Yomísio Matos da Silva Endereço: Rua João Sasso s/ n. – Bairro São Geraldo. Campo do São Geraldo Tel: (28) 99955-1317 E-mail: yomisio@hotmail.com Facebook: @ guerreirinhosfluminense.unidadedecachoeiro | MARATAÍZES (ES) Jones Brumana Marvila Rua Onacy Alves Brumana, s/nº Cel: (28) 99967-3640 E-mail: jonesbrumana@hotmail.com |
MINAS GERAIS BELO HORIZONTE/VENDA NOVA Prof. Pequê e Kelly Cristina LInhares Rua Hyldeu Santos Figueiredo, 77, B. Venda Nova Tef: (31) 07183-1604 / (31) 99573-9492 E-mail: pqesporteneves@gmail.com / kellylinhares123321@gmail.com Instagram: guerreirinhosfluminensebh Facebook: @guerreirinhosfluminensebh | JUIZ DE FORA (MG) Fabio Autran e Pedro Luis de Oliveira Moraes Rua Miguel Batista Lima, 70, B. Paineiras com extensão na Rua Cesar Turati 237, B. Bairu. Tel: (21) 3062-5070 (Fixo) ou (21) 98668-9372 (Fabio) ou (21) 7892-9103 (Pedro) e-mail: fabio@espacochutecerto.com.br ou pedro@espacochutecerto.com.br Facebook: @guerreirinhosjuizdefora |
LEOPOLDINA (MG) Diego Monteiro de Oliveira e Anderson da Silva Clube APPL. Endereço: Rua Decio Werneck, SN – Vale do Sol Tel: (32) 98703-2838 / (22) 99731-2907 Email:diego.monteiro@apaconfeccoes.com.br / andersonsilvacosta16@gmail.com Facebook: @escolaguerreirinhos.unidadeleopoldina | UBERLÂNDIA (MG) Prof. Felipe Landim / Prof. Mário Coelho Unid I- Av. Ver. Carlito Cordeiro, 1.421, B. Jardim Botânico (Society) Unid II – Rua Alberto Marques, 340 – B. Roosevelt (Futsal) Unid III – Av. Angelo Favato, 400 – B. Granada (Futsal) Tel: (34) 99669-5173 / 99677-2597 Email: guerreirinhosfluuberlandia@gmail.com Instagram: /guerreirinhosfluuberlandia Facebook: guerreirinhos-flu-uberlandia |
AMERICANA – SP José Suriano Alves Rua das Hortências, 1.199, Bairro Cidade Jardim II Tel: (19) 3405-5623 / (19) 4106-1072 / (19) 99984-1855 E-mail: alvessuriano@ig.com.br / fluamericana@globo.com Site: www.fluamericana.com.br Facebook: @fluamericana | ARARAQUARA (SP) José Luis Mauro e Silvia Helena Marques da Silva Mauro – Vica Sport Ltda Avenida Professora Olga Ferreira Campos no. 151, Parque Planalto Tel.: (82) 99951-9242 / (16) 99177-8095 E-mail: tec_vica@hotmail.com Facebook: @ vicasportararaquara |
RIBEIRÃO PRETO (SP) Prof.André Vitaliano Rod. Antônio Machado Santana, Km 3,8, Jardim dos Gerânios Tel: (16) 99767-1529 mail: andrevitaliano14@gmail.com Facebook: fluminenseguerreirinhosrp Instagram: fluminenseguerreirinhosrp | SÃO PAULO (SP) Cícero Bezerra do Nascimento Rua Comprida 838, Bairro Vila Mazzei – São Paulo, SP Tels: (11) 3455-7587 e (11) 2953-3955 Site: www.guerreirinhoszonanoorte.com.br Facebook: @guerreirinhoszonanortesp |
GOIÂNIA (GO) Agilum Sistemas e Eventos Avenida Alameda Câmara Filho, Qd. 128 lts. 13/14, Parque Oeste Industrial (Região do Eldorado) com extensões em: – Pré Equipe (Clube da Transbrasiliana) Av. Perimetral Norte, 3442 Setor João Vaz (em frente a Faculdade Alfa) – Centro Esportivo Paulo Nunes Rua C-197, 411 Jardim América – Capuava – Canarinho Esportes Av. Alameda das Mansões, Chácara 129 Setor Capuava Tel: (62) 4101-2112 / (62) 9188-5885 (Prof. Cleib Moraes) E-mail: contato@flugoiania.com.br Site: www.flugoiania.com.br Facebook: @flugoiania | CUIABÁ Prof Ismael Ramos Jr Rua Ciríaco Cândia, 305, Santa Izabel Fone: (65) 99219-3232 mail: ispersona@hotmail.com Instagram: futguerreirinhoscuiaba |
SINOP Sergio Roberto Vilarga Corbelino Avenida Bruno Martini – S/no. na Associação dos Servidores Públicos Municipais de Sinop (Ao lado do Pátio de Maquinas da Prefeitura) Fones: (66) 9671-9438 / (66) 9973-0531 / (66) 8114-3270 E-mail: fluminensesinopmt@hotmail.com Facebook: @guerreirinhossinopmt | MANAUS (AM) Prof. Jorge Barreto Unid I – Rua Salvador, 232, Adrianopolis Unid II – Rua Uirapuru, Flores (Clube dos Sargentos e Sub tenentes da PM) Tel: (92)98194-8404 Facebook: @/pages/Guerreirinhos |
TOCANTINS DIANÓPOLIS (TO) Washington Luiz Carvalho Lima e Manoel Salvani Rua São José 21 – Setor Bela Vista Tel: (63) 99213-1685 E-mail: manoelsalvani12@hotmail.com | PALMAS (TO) Show de Bola Sports (Washington Lima) Av. NS 2, Lotes 05 / 07 – Palmas (TO) Tels: (63) 3214-6444 e (63) 9201-4503 E-mail: s.debola@hotmail.com Facebook: @Guerreirinhos Palmas |
PORTO NACIONAL (TO) Washington Luiz Carvalho Lima e Cleiton Barbosa Gomes End: Orla, s/n Tel: (63) 98456-1347 E-mail: danielamanduca07@gmail.com Facebook: @guerreirinhospalmas | MACEIÓ (AL) Adolfo Yuri Lins Rua José Alfredo Marques s/n – QD 712 Lote 39 Bairro Antares Tel: (82) 3317-4162 / Tel: (82) 99122-0990 (Yuri) E-mail: arenaanima10@gmail.com Facebook: @Guerreirinhosmaceio |
FORTALEZA (CE) Manso Consultoria – Educação & Esporte LTDA BNB Clube Fortaleza na Avenida Santos Dumont 3646, B. Aldeota Premier Rua Conselheiro Gomes de Freitas, 3555 – Sapiranga Tel: (85) 98766-2314 / (85) 98212-7094 E-mail: marcomanso01@gmail.com Facebook: @guerreirinhosfluminensece | JOÃO PESSOA (PB) Glandys Henrique Martins Ferreira Rua João Virginio de Acioli, s/n – B. Cabo Branco Tel: (83) 99612-6677 E-mail: glandyshenrique@hotmail.com Facebook: @pages/Escolinha-De-Futebol-Guerreirinhos |
TERESINA (PI) José Ribamar Veloso Junior Av. Pres. Kennedy, 1951 – São Cristóvão Tel: (86) 99408-6120 E-mail: fabiojnbrandao@gmail.com Facebook: @guerreirinhosteresina | SÃO LUÍS José Simão Soeiro Rua 12 do COHATRAC III – Campo dos Ipês – Área da Associação Comunitária COHATRAC III Tel: (98) 98530-7114 / (98) 98842-3217 E-mail: simao_penalva@hotmail.com / escolinhaflusaoluis@gmail.com Instragram: @escolinhaflusaoluis |

Fluminense FC – International
LIMA (Peru) Alvaro Bouroncle Bouroncle Football Services Calle Los Tulipanes 147 Of. 304 – Santiago de Surco Tel: 01 719 3966 / +51 965 665 478 E-mail: informes@fluminenseperu.com www.fluminenseperu.com Facebook: @fluminenseperu | SANTIAGO (Chile) Miguel Pavez Bustamante Escuela de Futbal Boys Soccer – Rosal 331, PISO 4 com campo no Complejo Deportivo LIGA LA REINA Santa Marta de Huechuraba 6741, Huechuraba Tel: +56 2 25502400 E-mail: mpavez@boyssoccer.cl Web: www.fluminense.cl Facebook: @Fluminense-Chile-Guerreirinhos |
ASSUNÇÃO/LUQUE (Paraguay) Julio Cesar Romero Insfrán Capitan Andres Onsfrán y Teniente Ramirez, Luque Tel: +59 5 981 429066 E-mail: romeritoflulupy@hotmail.com |
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Fluminense FC History
On July 21, 1902, the club was established, and Oscar Cox was the first person to be chosen to the position of president. Since then, Fluminense have won the title of national champions on four separate occasions, most recently in the 2012 Campeonato Brasileiro Série A. In addition, the team has triumphed in the 2007 Copa do Brasil, the 1999 Campeonato Brasileiro Série C, and the 1952 edition of the Copa Rio (or Copa Rio Internacional).
Its biggest performances on the international stage were a second-place finish at the Copa Libertadores in 2008 and a second-place finish at the Copa Sudamericana in 2009. The Olympic Cup is presented annually by the International Olympic Committee to an institution or association that has a record of merit and integrity in actively developing the Olympic Movement. In 1949, the Olympic Cup was presented to the football club Fluminense, making it the first football club in history to receive the honor.

People who are native to the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro are referred to by the demonym fluminense. Although football was the club’s initial focus, it has since evolved into an umbrella organization that supports other teams competing in over 16 different sports.
Since 1920, Fluminense’s traditional home uniform has been a set of vertically striped shirts in garnet, white, and green, white shorts, and white socks. This ensemble has been worn by the team at their home stadium. Currently, Umbro is the maker of the kits.

The club has a long-standing rivalry with a number of other teams, the most notable of which is with Flamengo (known as the Clássico Fla-Flu), as well as with Botafogo (known as the Clássico Vovô), and Vasco da Gama (known as the Clássico dos Gigantes).
The club is considered to be the “birthplace” of the Brazilian national football team, as it was there that the “canarinhos” competed in their very first game, scored their very first goal, and won their very first trophy. When compared to all other Brazilian teams, it has sent the fifth-most players to compete for the national team.
Estádio do Maracanã, widely known as Estádio Maracanã, Maracanã or just Maraca is a stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The stadium is located within a complex that also houses an arena known as Maracanzinho, which translates to “The Little Maracan” in Portuguese.
The name of the arena was given to the facility. The stadium is currently operated by the football clubs Flamengo and Fluminense, despite the fact that it is owned by the state government of Rio de Janeiro. It is situated in the Maracan district, which gets its name from the Rio Maracan, a river in Rio de Janeiro that has since been channelized.

The stadium first opened its doors in 1950 in preparation for the FIFA World Cup, which was won by Uruguay over Brazil by a score of 2–1 in front of 199,854 fans on July 16, 1950. The stadium was opened in 1950. The stadium has hosted events with attendances of 150,000 people or more on 26 separate times, the most recent of which was on May 29, 1983, when 155,253 people watched Flamengo defeat Santos by a score of 3–0.
There have been 284 events that drew crowds of more than 100,000 people to the stadium. However, over the course of its history, terraced sections have been replaced with seated sections, and following the renovation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, its original capacity has been reduced to the current number of 78,838 spectators, but it still holds the title of being Brazil’s largest stadium. The majority of the games played at the stadium are competitions between the top football clubs in Rio de Janeiro, such as Flamengo, Fluminense, Botafogo, and Vasco da Gama. In addition, it has been the site of a variety of sporting events and concerts over the years.
The current shield of Fluminense was first used in 1905, the same year that the new uniform with three colors made its debut. You can see the previous version of the shield below. The shield ended up having several revisions throughout the years in try to modernize it, which resulted in the shield losing some of its original design.