Torino FC Tryouts & Club Guide: History, Stadium, Players, and More!

Explore the ultimate Torino guide! Dive into detailed tryout processes, rich club history, iconic stadium tours, and profiles of players. Your comprehensive source for all things Torino, for aspiring talents to seasoned fans.


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Torino Football Club, commonly referred to as Torino or simply Toro, is an Italian professional football club based in Turin, Piedmont, Italy. The club competes in Serie A, the top flight of Italian football.

Torino F.C. Youth Development System

The Youth Sector, which has always been an indispensable asset of Torino FC, promotes the growth and training of young players and plays a fundamental role in the technical and sporting life of the Club.

The history of Turin is characterized by passion, pride and tenacity: virtues that the Youth Sector intends to pass on to the new generations. Our instructors aim to convey human, educational, technical, athletic and tactical values, since the days of the glorious Philadelphia Stadium. These same values ​​will have to distinguish the young football player from Granada, also in the future. With the restructuring of the historic city facility in Via Filadelfia, the Primavera team has returned to tread that playing field, which was the temple of the Grande Torino from 1942 to 1949, with the disputes of the home matches of the Primavera 1 TIM Championship “Giacinto Trophy. Facchetti “and Primavera TIM Cup.

All the activities of the Youth Sector are carried out under the supervision of the responsible coaches assisted by a qualified staff composed of athletic trainers, motor trainers, goalkeepers trainers, accompanying managers, doctors and physiotherapists.

Training and educating young people in the game of football is not a simple task but the assiduous commitment and dedication of professionals, from managers to technicians, allow the Club every year to launch many players and new standard bearers for the First Team into professional football.
The last few years have delivered great successes and trophies to the history of the Club: in 2015 Moreno Longo’s Primavera team became Italian Champion and also won the Super Cup in the category; in the 2015/2016 football season, Primavera took part in the UEFA Youth League European competition for the first time; in 2018 the Primavera team again won another title with coach Federico Coppitelli, winning the Primavera TIM Cup. In the same year, the Under 17 team, led by Marco Sesia, won the prestigious tournament of Città di Arco Trofeo “Beppe Viola “. In the 2017/2018 season, again under the technical guidance of Federico Coppitelli, the Primavera won the Primavera Super Cup again; in the same year, the Berretti team also won the category championship.

The Sector has a trained and responsible medical staff: doctors and specialists take care of the health of the players and technicians every day with constant assistance, preventive information, rehabilitation, nutrition, research and development.
A large network of observers constantly monitors young players throughout the national territory and beyond, in search of new talents for the Granata Youth Sector.

The Torino Football Club Academy project was launched in 2015 with the affiliation of many Italian and foreign clubs, which aims to train and develop coaches and players.

The growth path of women’s football activity also continues with new additions: hundreds of girls are preparing to grow up with the game of football thanks to a new and completely dedicated staff, who work with professionalism and commitment to the training of young players.

Every year thousands of boys and girls flock to the tourist resorts chosen by the Company for summer camps: life experiences full of healthy fun, football lessons, training and proper nutrition, in the name of being together under the sign of Taurus.

Torino FC youth sector participates in the following federal activities:

For women’s football:

  • Juniors,
  • Under 17,
  • Under 15,
  • Beginners,
  • Chicks ,
  • First Kicks.

Contacts with the areas of the youth sector are as follows:

The Canterans

The youth sector of Toro has always been a hotbed of talents, footballers who grew up in the grenade jersey who then trod the pitches of the top leagues.

Here is the list of players who grew up in the Torino FC youth academy from 2005 to today who made their debut in professional football.

Players who made their Serie A debut Adopo, Aramu, Barreca, Benedetti S., Bonifazi, Bottone, Buongiorno, Diop, D’Onofrio, Ivy, Gomis A., Gomis L., Lescano, Millico, Ogbonna, Parigini, Rosso, Schiattarella, Suciu, Vailatti, Barbosa ( Serie A Portugal), Uyi (Serie A Malta), Graziano (Europa League), Singo (Europa League). 

Players who made their Serie B debut Good morning, Candellone, Chiosa, Cinaglia, Comi, Ferigra, Fiordaliso, Fissore, Gilardi, Kone B., Mantovani, Morra, Osei, Procopio, Scaglia, Segre, Sparacello, Sperotto, Torromino, Vita, Diarra (Serie B Portugal), Zaccagno . 

Players who made their Serie C debut Ambrogio, Auriletto, Barale, Bellucci, Beltrame, Benedetti A., Benedini, Berardi, Bettini, Bianchi E., Borello, Butic, Camolese, Canalini, Capellupo, Carissoni, Celeghin, Coccolo, Colombi, Cristini, Cucchietti, D’Alena, Dance, De Angelis, Debeljuh, De Luca, De Stefano, Djoulou, Filinsky, Fiore, Franchino, Fumana, Cat, Twin, Gentile, Gilli, Giraudo, Gjuci, Gyasi, Ientile, Ignico, Isacco, Isoardi, Lerda, Leveque, Lo Bosco, Maiorano, Miello, Milani, Monni, Murati, Niada, Nitride, Origlio, Oukhadda, Panaioli, Panepinto, Parodi, Petrungaro, Piccolo, Piccoli, Piroli, Predko, Procida, Proia, Quitadamo, Rabbeni, Rauti, Rolandone, Ropolo, Rossetti, Santoni, Saracco, Scutti, Taraschi, Tindo, Tofanari, Troiani, Zanellati, Zenuni.

Academy Torino FC

The purpose of the Academy, thanks to the collaboration with the Torino Football Club, is aimed at the growth of the affiliated amateur clubs from a technical, educational and didactic point of view.
See the complete list of Academy Torino FC centers below:



A.S.D Sportime

C/Da Pezze
87018 San Marco Argentano (CS)

ASD Polisportiva Lamezia

ASD Polisportiva Lamezia

Via Isnardi 4
88046 Lamezia Terme (CZ)TORNA SU


Pro Vives Calcio

A.S.D. Pro Vives Calcio

A.S.D. Virtus Belsito

A.S.D. Virtus Belsito

via Posillipo 102/3
80123 Napoli (NA)


Emilia Romagna

Team Crociati Parma

Team Crociati Parma

Via Vittorio De Sica 22


Friuli Venezia Giulia

A.S.D. Gemonese Calcio

A.S.D. Gemonese Calcio

Piazzale Mario Copetti
33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD)



Vis Aurelia Calcio

Vis Aurelia Calcio

Via Gioacchino Ventura 54
00167 Roma

A.S.D. Nomentum

A.S.D. Nomentum

Via Nomentana 107
00013 Mentana (RM)

Polisportiva Dilettantistica Sabazia Calcio

Polisportiva Dilettantistica Sabazia Calcio


  • Tel. 06 99900746 – 333 5801719 – 373 8399385 – 333 3137155
  •  E-MAIL



A.S.D. Pro Pontedecimo Calcio

A.S.D. Pro Pontedecimo Calcio

Via Campo di tiro 29
16164 Genova

U.S.D. Don Bosco Vallecrosia Intemelia

U.S.D. Don Bosco Vallecrosia Intemelia

Via Don Bosco, 39
18019 Vallecrosia (IM)

A.S.D. Baia Alassio Calcio

A.S.D. Baia Alassio Calcio

Via San Giovanni Battista , 31
17021 Alassio (SV)



S.S.D. Sporting Cesate

S.S.D. Sporting Cesate srl

Via Dante n. 72
20020 Cesate (MI)

F. C. Garlasco

F. C. Garlasco

Via Ferretti n.5
27026 Garlasco (PV)

S.S. Dresano A.S.D.

S.S. Dresano A.S.D.

Via delle Industrie, 3
20070 Dresano (MI)

A.S. Ticinia Robecchetto

A.S. Ticinia Robecchetto

Via Roma 1
20020 Robecchetto con Induno (MI)

U.S. Bormiese Calcio A.S.D.

U.S. Bormiese Calcio A.S.D.

Campo Sportivo Comunale, Via Manzoni
23032 Bormio (SO)

GSD Oratorio Cava Digidue

GSD Oratorio Cava Digidue

Via Milano 19, 26100
Cremona (CR)

  • Tel. 3472375186
F.C. Bulgaro

F.C. Bulgaro 1996

Via Cavallina 2,
22070 Bulgarograsso (CO)

A.C. Valtrompia

A.C. Valtrompia

Via della Fonte 40
25068 Sarezzo (BS)

Polisportiva Dilettantistica Baranzatese 1948

Polisportiva Dilettantistica Baranzatese 1948

Via Nazario Sauro 160
20021 Baranzate (MI)

A.S.D. Accademia Visconti

A.S.D. Accademia Visconti

Via Carducci 1
21040 Sumirago (VA)

  • Tel. 338 3059347 – 348 3721956 – 335 1322896
  •  E-MAIL
A.S.D. Arluno Calcio 2010

A.S.D. Arluno Calcio 2010

Via Repubblica 1
20010 Arluno (MI)

A.S.D. Accademia Pievese

A.S.D. Accademia Pievese

Via dei Pini 1
20090 Pieve Emanuele (MI)

  • Tel. 380 4524599 – 338 7821823
  •  E-MAIL



Canadà Vercelli

G.S.D. Canadà Vercelli

Via Cantarana s.n.
13100 Vercelli


A.C. Bra A.S.D.

viale Madonna dei Fiori, n°91
12042 Bra (CN)

ASD Canale Calcio

A.S.D Canale Calcio

Via Mombirone 44
12043 Canale d’Alba (CN)

A.S.D. Benese

A.S.D. Benese

Viale Rimembranza sn
12041 Bene Vagienna (CN)

Acd Briga Novarese

Acd Briga Novarese

Piazza Unità d’Italia, Briga Novarese (NO)

U.S.D. Tre Valli

U.S.D. Tre Valli

Via IV Novembre 24, 12089
Villanova M.vì (CN)

USD Quincinetto - Tavagnasco

USD Quincinetto – Tavagnasco

Via Buat Albiana 10, 10010
Quincinetto (TO)

A.S.D. Cumiana Calcio

A.S.D. Cumiana Calcio

Via S. Giuseppe 133,
10040 Cumiana (TO)

ASD FC Morevilla

ASD FC Morevilla

Via Fornace 1bis
Moretta (CN)

A.S.D.C. Santostefanese

A.S.D.C. Santostefanese

Santo Stefano Belbo (CN)
12058 Corso IV Novembre 35/G

A.S.D. Olimpia Solero Quattordio

A.S.D. Olimpia Solero Quattordio

Via G. di Vittorio SN 15029 Solero (AL)

A.S.D. Boves MDG Cuneo

A.S.D. Boves MDG Cuneo

Via Tonello 11
12100 Cuneo

A.S.D. Candiolo

A.S.D. Candiolo

Via Roma 12
10060 Candiolo (TO)

A.S.D. Romentinese & Cerano

A.S.D. Romentinese & Cerano

Via Del Tintoretto 9
28068 Romentino (NO)

F.C.D. Torre Pellice

F.C.D. Torre Pellice

Viale Dante 25,
10066 Torre Pellice (TO)

  • Tel. 335 8185256 – 345 2504956
  •  E-MAIL



A.S.D. Sporting Club Lecce

A.S.D. Sporting Club Lecce

Via Miglietta, 5
73100 Lecce (LE)

Football Academy Gioia

Football Academy Gioia

Via Cairoli 132/134
70023 Gioia del Colle (BA)

A.S.D. Real Virtus Grottaglie

A.S.D. Real Virtus Grottaglie

Via Tiziano 21
74023 Grottaglie (TA)



Polisportiva Dilettantistica Quartieri Riuniti Porto Torres

Polisportiva Dilettantistica Quartieri Riuniti Porto Torres

Via Veneto n° 1
07046 Porto Torres (SS)

Atletico Nuoro

Atletico Nuoro

Via San Domenico Savio

A.S.D. Ilvamaddalena 1903

A.S.D. Ilvamaddalena 1903

Via Carducci snc
07024, La Maddalena



A.S.D. Rinascita San Giorgio

A.S.D. Rinascita San Giorgio

Via dei Platani, 33
95121 Catania

A.S.D. Vittoria F.C.

A.S.D. Vittoria F.C.

Via Dei Mille 191
97019 Vittoria (RG)

Pol. D. Virtus Avola

Pol. D. Virtus Avola

Via Armando Casalini 74
96012 Avola (SR)

A.S.D. Casteldaccia

A.S.D. Casteldaccia




A.S.D. Giovani Granata Monsummano

A.S.D. Giovani Granata Monsummano

Piazza Gentili Luigi
51015 Monsummano Terme (PT)

Torrita a.s.d.

U.S. Torrita A.S.D.

Via P. Del Cadia
53049 Torrita di Siena (SI)


USD Manciano

Via dell’Imposto snc
58014 Manciano (GR)

A.S.D. Folgor Marlia

A.S.D. Folgor Marlia

Piazza Aldo Moro, 2
55014 Capannori, frazione Marlia (LU)

A.S.D. Polisportiva Virtus Foligno

A.S.D. Polisportiva Virtus Foligno

Via Monte Podgora SN
06034 Foligno (PG)

  • Tel. 0742 20220 – 346 2110683 – 347 2594500 – 338 8198696
  •  E-MAIL
A.S.D. Atletico Carrara dei Marmi

A.S.D. Atletico Carrara dei Marmi

Viale XX Settembre 25
54033 Carrara (MS) – Località Fossola


Valle d’Aosta

Fenusma 2008

A.S.D. Fenusma 2008

Frazione Chez Sapin, 2
11020 Fenis (AO)



S.S.D. San Zeno Verona - 1919

S.S.D. San Zeno Verona – 1919

Via Giuseppe Maggi n. 7
37122 Verona

A.C. Tombolo

A.C. Tombolo

Via S. Andrea Apostolo 1



Ali Demi

Ks Ali Demi

Rr. Ali Demi, nr 1
1004 Tirane – Albania



Escola de Fotbal Minorelli

Escola de Fotbal Minorelli

R. Hyppólito do Valle Pereira, 620
Lagoa da Conceição Florianópolis
SC 88062-210 Brasile



Kirkop United Football Club

Kirkop United Football Club

Triq Gnien Rousset
Kirkop Malta



CFI Alicante

CFI Alicante


Turin FC Camps

Torino camps are organized by Torino fc and benefit from the experience and expertise of the staff of the Torino Youth Sector coaches.
Young people are in Turin’s DNA , as demonstrated by the fact that the Turin youth sector is the most successful club in Italy.


With the training program you will be able to develop basic technique, individual tactics, improve motor skills and challenge yourself with tournaments and mini matches.

And finally a great party, to which parents are also invited, with the awards ceremony and the delivery of a technical-tactical evaluation form.

To learn more about the different types of camps offered by Turino FC, please click here.


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Torino F.C. History

Torino are one of the most successful clubs in Italy, having won seven league titles overall, including five consecutive league victories during the 1940s. Torino were initially established in 1906 as the Foot-Ball Club Torino. The team, known as the Grande Torino, was widely regarded as one of the most formidable footballing sides of the era until the 1949 Superga plane tragedy, in which all members of the team perished. In addition, they have won the Coppa Italia five times, with the most recent victory coming during the 1992–1993 season.

On the international stage, Torino’s most notable accomplishments include winning the Mitropa Cup in 1991 and reaching the finals of the UEFA Cup in the 1991–92 season. The Olimpico Grande Stadio de Torino is Torino’s home field for all of the club’s matches (also known as the Stadio Comunale “Vittorio Pozzo” until 2006). The historic color of the club is maroon, and its emblem is a charging bull; the bull is also the traditional symbol of the city of Turin, which is where the nickname “Il Toro” comes from for the club (The Bull). The Derby della Mole is a competition between Torino and Juventus F.C., which is a local rivalry between the two clubs.


The Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino is a stadium in the Italian city of Turin that can be used for a variety of events. Torino Football Club plays their home games in this stadium, which is in Serie A.

The stadium can be found in Piazzale Grande Torino, which is located in the Santa Rita neighborhood of the city, which is situated in the south-central part of the city. The UEFA has awarded the stadium the Category 4 status, which is the highest grade that can be achieved for a venue. The venue has around 27,000 seats available to guests.


In the 1980s, the Torino badge took the form of a square and featured a bull with a stylized head along with the words “Torino Calcio.” The supporters continue to hold this emblem in very high respect, and in 2013, it was selected by the readers of Guerin Sportivo as the most beautiful club logo in the history of the publication.

The badge that was used from 1990 until the club went bankrupt was a throwback to the one that was worn during the time of the Grande Torino. The most notable change was that the right side of the oval crossed the letters “T” and “C” (the initials of “Torino Calcio”) rather than the letters “A”, “C”, and “T.” This lasted until the club went bankrupt (initials of “Associazione Calcio Torino”).

Since the club’s founding, the rampaging bull that serves as the city’s mascot has been included on the Torino club logo. The present crest was chosen for the club during the 2005–06 season, which was the first one played after Torino Calcio filed for bankruptcy. It wasn’t until much later that the “1906” was put to the left side of the shield to indicate the year that the renowned Foot-Ball Club Torino was established.