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Associazione Calcio Milan, commonly referred to as A.C. Milan or simply Milan, is a professional football club in Milan, Italy. The club competes in Serie A, the top flight of Italian football.
AC Milan Youth Development System
AC Milan Primavera (U19)
Milan Primavera is the men’s Under-19 squad and the highest level team within the setup. They currently play in the Campionato Primavera 1. They also compete in the Coppa Italia Primavera and the Viareggio Cup.

The Primavera team train at Milanello alongside the first team and play the majority of their home games at the Centro Sportivo Vismara (Vismara Sports Centre) in Milan, which also serves as the training facility for the other youth system teams.
To learn more about the Milan Primavera reserve team, please click here.
The Youth Sector has been responsible for producing some of the club’s greatest ever players, including their top three all-time appearance makers, Paolo Maldini, Franco Baresi and Alessandro Costacurta, as well as several players, in recent years, who have managed to become regular players in Serie A. The training facilities are based at the Centro Sportivo Vismara (Vismara Sports Centre), a 57-acre (230,000 m2) site in Gratosoglio, Milan, although the Primavera team train at Milanello alongside the first team.

The Youth Sector encompasses several age-group teams ranging from Under-8s up to Under-18s, divided as follows:
- Boys
AC Milan Academy
Milan Academy is the set of projects dedicated to the involvement of an U18 target audience in sporting activities via the football coaching promoted by AC Milan and the training of all adults involved.
The training proposal is aimed at national and international sports clubs, both amateur and professional, sports coaches and managers, events clubs, federations, institutions and sponsors who, in various ways, aim to generate a sporting culture and organisational excellence in their territory.

The Milan Academy, AC Milan’s true centre of innovation, is shaped by a team of sports professionals made up of managers, football coaches, teachers and instructors, who operate with knowledge and competence in accordance with the Club’s principles and who also aspire to define a new standard for the world of football.
Passion, Excellence, Sophistication and Teamwork are the building blocks of the Project which, by sharing the Milan Method and using guidelines, coaching programmes and dedicated services, supports the adults who follow daily the human and sporting development of all the youngsters involved in football and sporting activities. Academy programs include: AC MILAN ACADEMY IN ITALY, MILAN JUNIOR CAMP, AC MILAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIES, MILAN X-PERIENCE, and EVENTS.
The AC Milan Academy in Italy project is characterised by a methodical approach, which focuses on the components relevant to the child’s wellbeing and the relationship of the various adult figures involved (teachers, coaches, parents and managers) by identifying lines of development and responding to his/her emerging needs during the development period.

This approach is implemented both in Football Schools and Training Centres in accordance with the principles and procedures that are aimed at promoting the Culture of Sport through the teaching of football.
Our desire has always been to accompany both the Football Schools and the Training Centres in their growth.
The MILAN Method stimulates and generates new questions, values, projects and plans. It doesn’t teach methods, but teaches how to research and critically discuss them, apply them everywhere and then translate them into operational methods.
One of the crucial criteria, “how to carry out training”, and an updated methodology both aim to generate a good capacity for human and educational relations.
The primary aim is first and foremost to promote the general wellbeing of the young athlete and at the same time to enhance their technical, tactical, physical and social skills that are typical of the sport.
Developing the child as a whole through the practice of sport also requires the ability to analyse and plan action that takes into account all the factors at play in the context of the Football School, in close connection with its territory.

Every young athlete is part of an emotional and interpersonal network that cannot be ignored, and which constitutes an embedded part of their personality.
Recognising this is the first step towards developing the person as a whole through the practice of sport and the strengthening of their technical skills. It therefore becomes necessary to identify the needs, motivation, stages and learning principles that characterise the entire educational process, as well as the context in which the technical action takes place.
The success of a technical exercise depends on the overall experience that the young person has in a given situation, i.e. the relationship between the young athlete and the practical action.
The main educational means used is the game in its playful form, because it allows us to pursue several aims: a game doesn’t have one single interpretation, depending on the characteristics of how it’s conducted the final goal or outcome may vary. The game as an educational tool develops:
The movement and technical aspects via its intuitive components, its decision-making and coordinative factors.
The cognitive aspect by increasing the capacity of observation, analysis and interpretation of the game’s challenges.
The interpersonal aspect via encounters with others and social learning
Italian Locations:
ASD Gladius Pescara 2010 | Abruzzo | Pescara | info@gladiuspescara.it |
ASD Asso Potenza | Basilicata | Potenza | scuolacalcioassopz@virgilio.it |
ASD Forza Ragazzi | Calabria | Corigliano Calabro | sc.forzaragazzi@libero.it |
ASD Assocalcio Terzo Tempo | Campania | San Mango Piemonte | calcio@terzotempovillage.it |
Urbetevere Calcio | Lazio | Roma | urbeteverecalcio@gmail.com |
ACD Ghedi 1978 | Lombardia | Ghedi | info@acdghedi.it |
US Aldini | Lombardia | Milano | info@aldinibariviera.it |
Cimiano Calcio | Lombardia | Milano | segreteria@cimiano.it |
ASD La Dominante | Lombardia | Monza | calcio@ladominante.it |
Pol. Lombardia Uno SRL SD | Lombardia | Milano | info@palauno.it |
SSD Luciano Manara | Lombardia | Barzanò | manaracalcio@gmail.com |
ASD Accademia Borgomanero 1961 | Piemonte | Borgomanero | info@accademiaborgomanero.com |
CBS Scuola Calcio ASD | Piemonte | Torino | segreteria@cbscalcio.it |
ASD Di Cagno Abbrescia | Puglia | Gioia del Colle/Casamassima | info@dicagnosport.it |
APCD Nuova Taras | Puglia | Taranto | nuovataras95@libero.it |
AC Lido di Camaiore | Toscana | Lido di Camaiore | lidocalcio@gmail.com |
PGS Don Bosco ASD | Umbria | Perugia | presidenza@pgsdonboscoperugia.it |
ASD Unione Graticolato | Veneto | Santa Maria di Sala | asdgraticolato@gmail.com |
SSD Minerva Milano | Lombardia | Milano | segreteria.mimi@gmail.com |
ASD Union Fossacesia Calcio | Abruzzo | Chieti | direzione@ursini.com |
Real Metapontino ASD | Basilicata | Metaponto | realmetapontino@gmail.com |
ASD E. Coscarello Castrolibero | Calabria | Cosenza | scuolacalciocoscarello@virgilio.it |
ASD Real Soccer Lamezia | Calabria | Lamezia Terme | csoccer@libero.it |
SCD Digiesse Praia | Calabria | Praia a Mare | digiesse2008@yahoo.it |
Xerox Chianello DLF Paola | Calabria | Paola | chianellogroup@libero.it |
ASD Parco Città | Campania | Torre Del Greco | asdparcocitta1985@libero.it |
GT 10 Palla Al Centro | Campania | Sant’Arpino | federicatizzano97@gmail.com |
ASD Soccer Friends | Campania | Salerno | car.guariglia@gmail.com |
ASD Gattatico Club | Emilia Romagna | Reggio Emilia | gattaticoclub@gmail.com |
FC Young Santarcangelo | Emilia Romagna | Santarcangelo di Romagna | info@santarcangelocalcio.com |
Pol. G. Castello | Lazio | Roma | segreteria@gcastellocalcio.it |
ASD Calcio Canegrate | Lombardia | Canegrate (MI) | calciocanegrateosl@gmail.com |
ASD Carpianese | Lombardia | Carpiano | asdcarpianese@gmail.com |
AC Cinisellese ASD | Lombardia | Cinisello Balsamo | ciniselleseasd@gmail.com |
ASD Devils | Lombardia | Fizzonasco (MI) | devilscalcio@gmail.com |
ASD Fara Olivana con Sola | Lombardia | Fara Olivana con Sola (BG) | asdfaraolivanasola@tiscali.it |
ASD Limbiate | Lombardia | Limbiate (MB) | asdlimbiate@gmail.com |
ASD Real Trezzano | Lombardia | Trezzano Sul Naviglio | segreteria@asdrealtrezzano.it |
ASD Vigevano Calcio 1921 | Lombardia | Vigevano (PV) | info@vigevanocalcio1921.it |
Eracle Sport Football Club SSD RL | Lombardia | Como | scuolacalcio@eraclecalcio.it |
GSD Afforese | Lombardia | Assago | segreteria@afforese.it |
GS Assago | Lombardia | Milano | segreteria@gsassago1968.com |
GS Soccer Boys ASD | Lombardia | Turbigo (MI) | dssoccerboys@gmail.com |
Pol. Lombardia Uno SRL SD Melzo | Lombardia | Melzo (MI) | info@palauno.it |
Rogoredo84 ASD | Lombardia | Milano | rogoredo84-calcio@hotmail.it |
SSDARL Cedratese Calcio 1985 | Lombardia | Gallarate | info@cedratese1985.it |
Salus Et Virtus Turate | Lombardia | Turate (CO) | segreteria@sevturate.it |
USD Folgore | Lombardia | Pavia | usfolgore@libero.it |
ASD Elite Sangiorgese | Marche | Porto San Giorgio | azega@hotmail.it |
AC Nuova Folgore | Marche | Ancona | nuovafolgore@libero.it |
ASD Atletico Racconigi | Piemonte | Cuneo | asdatleticoracconigi@gmail.com |
ASD Sanmartinese Calcio | Piemonte | Novara | sanmartinesecalcio@libero.it |
USD Juventus Domo | Piemonte | Domodossola | juventusdomosgs@gmail.com |
Valenzana Mado SSD SRL | Piemonte | Valenza | valenzanamado.giovanili@gmail.com |
ASD Avanti Altamura | Puglia | Altamura | asdavanti@pec.it |
ASD Di Cagno Abbrescia | Puglia | Bari | info@dicagnosport.it |
ASD Gargano Academy | Puglia | Carpino | asdgarganoacademy@gmail.com |
ASD Balsignano Soccer School | Puglia | Modugno | asdbalsignano@libero.it |
ASD La 14 | Sardegna | Pabillonis | la14asd@gmail.com |
AD Pol. Catania 1980 | Sicilia | Catania | pol.catania1980@gmail.com |
ASD Acitrezza Calcio | Sicilia | Acitrezza | barberaignazio18@gmail.com |
ASD Calcio Trapani 2000 | Sicilia | Trapani | asdcalciotrapani2ooo@gmail.com |
ASD Centro Polisportivo Ramacca 1985 | Sicilia | Ramacca | cenpolramacca1985@tiscali.it |
ASD F24 Messina | Sicilia | Messina | football24messina@hotmail.it |
ASD Libertas Rari Nantes | Sicilia | Siracusa | rarinantes.calciogiovanile@gmail.com |
ASD Real Modica | Sicilia | Modica | asdrealmodica@gmail.com |
ASD Ciakulli Calcio | Sicilia | Palermo | a.s.d.calciociakulli@hotmail.com |
ASD Pozzallo Due | Sicilia | Pozzallo | asdpozzallo2@gmail.com |
USD Atletico Castronovo | Sicilia | Castronovo Di Sicilia | atleticocastronovo@gmail.com |
USD Rocca di Capri Leone | Sicilia | Rocca di Capri Leone | roccadicaprileone@gmail.com |
ASD Costa Etrusca | Toscana | Riotorto | info@asdcostaetrusca.it |
ASD Madonna Dell’Acqua | Toscana | Pisa | mdacalciopisa@alice.it |
FCD Nogaredo ASD | Trentino Alto Adige | Nogaredo | fcnogaredo@gmail.com |
CSD Giovanili Todi | Umbria | Todi | info@calciotodi.it |
Cosmos ASD | Umbria | Umbertide | cosmos.asd19@gmail.com |
SSDARL MestrinoRubano FC | Veneto | Rubano | academy@mestrinorubanofc.it |
ASD Città di Brugherio | Lombardia | Milano | cittadibrugherio@gmail.com |
The AC Milan International Academy project offers training dedicated to the coaching and managerial staff of its partners by promoting a continuous dialogue between the Club, the parents and local institutions, which aims to spread the values of sport and AC Milan throughout the territory.
The on-site presence of an official Rossoneri coach, the training meetings with the Milan Academy staff, the organisation of recreational, sporting and commercial events as well as the development of numerous dedicated services are just some of the benefits of a project that aims not only to unreservedly share AC Milan’s coaching and organisational methodology, but also to generate a sporting culture and footballing excellence by supporting initiatives to introduce sport to young people and specialisation in football for an U18 audience.
Each International Academy is structured around the Milan Method which has been adapted to each specific socio-cultural context, and which enhances the technical, tactical, coordinative, physical, athletic and social components of the game of football, in doing so accompanying every child and athlete in their human and sporting development.
Organised all over the world, the Milan Junior Camps represent the official holiday experience of the Rossoneri Club, where football and fun are the key elements. Taking part in a Milan Junior Camp means undergoing an experience that guarantees sport, a healthy and safe environment, as well as fun and education. All this is courtesy of AC Milan’s decades of experience in organising summer camps for young people.

Registration requirements for the Milan Junior Camp:
- Football course supervised by highly qualified coaches
- Milan Academy kit (1 shirt, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of socks)
- Insurance
- Lunch
- Snacks
- Medical Assistance

For the residential camps, the services also include:
- Full board
- Overnight stay in hotel
- 24-hour medical assistance
- Milan Academy kit (2 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of socks, 1 backpack)
*The above services may vary depending on the organisation and location chosen.
Camp Locations:
CITY CAMP | ||||
Emilia Romagna – Casinalbo | 2 | 29/06 – 10/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Lazio – San Martino al Cimino | 1 | 27/07 – 31/07 | info@calciogiovani.it | / |
Liguria – Genova | 2 | 22/06 – 03/07 | liguriafootball@gmail.com | / |
Lombardia – Bormio | 3 | 27/07 – 14/08 | info@fantasy-football.it | Website |
Lombardia – Cernusco sul Naviglio | 1 | 22/06 – 26/06 | info@promosmilancamp.it | Website |
Lombardia – Concesio | 1 | 20/07 – 24/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Lombardia – Sirmione | 1 | 27/07 – 31/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Lombardia – Temù | 2 | 06/08 – 14/08 | info@promosmilancamp.it | Website |
Lombardia – Vigevano | 1 | 06/07 – 10/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Sardegna – Arbatax Park Resort | 2 | 19/07 – 31/07 | polisporteventi@yahoo.it | / |
Sardegna – Pula | 1 | 12/07 – 17/07 | polisporteventi@yahoo.it | / |
Sicilia – Trapani | 1 | 24/08 – 28/08 | liguriafootball@gmail.com | / |
Toscana – Forte dei Marmi | 4 | 29/06 – 24/07 | info@promosmilancamp.it | Website |
Trentino Alto Adige – Bolzano | 2 | 29/06 – 10/07 | info@sporteventi.it | Website |
Trentino Alto Adige – Caldaro | 1 | 13/07 – 17/07 | info@sporteventi.it | Website |
Trentino Alto Adige – Glorenza | 1 | 28/07 – 01/08 | info@sporteventi.it | Website |
Trentino Alto Adige – Salorno | 1 | 20/07 – 24/07 | info@sporteventi.it | Website |
ABROAD | ||||
Israel – Beit Dagan | 1 | 19/07 – 24/07 | play@soccerstars.co.il | / |
Israel – Karkur | 1 | 26/07 – 30/07 | play@soccerstars.co.il | / |
Israel – Ma’Agan Michael | 1 | 12/07 – 17/07 | play@soccerstars.co.il | / |
Switzerland – Melide | 2 | 06/07 – 17/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Switzerland – St. Moritz | 1 | 12/07 – 18/07 | luca@al2sport.com | Website |
Are you interested and want more information about our camps? Contact us! infomilanacademy@acmilan.com
Our Call Centre (+39 02 622 84545) is active every day from 09.00 CEST to 19.00 CEST
Follow the Milan Academy on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MilanAcademy/
Dedicated to football clubs, events companies or travel agencies, the Milan Experience offers an overview of the Rossoneri world, allowing participants to carry out training sessions in AC Milan’s facilities for a week as well as discovering everything else that forms AC Milan’s world.
The groups that participate in the Milan Experience therefore undergo a completely personalised experience: training sessions with the official Milan Academy coaches, joint training sessions with our Football Schools, a visit to Casa Milan, San Siro and other activities on the pitch on Match Day. All this makes for an absolutely unforgettable experience!

These are the services included in the Milan Experience:
- A Milan Academy dedicated account
- Milan Academy Coach
- Training at AC Milan’s facilities
- Pre-match activities at San Siro
- A visit to and lunch at Casa Milan
- Museum visit
- Puma Kit – Milan Academy
- Certificate of participation
Want to give your players an unforgettable experience? Let’s do so together! milanacademy@acmilan.com
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AC Milan History
A.C. Milan has won a total of 18 FIFA and UEFA trophies, which places them in a tie for fourth place among all clubs (tied with Boca Juniors) and places them in first place among all Italian clubs. Milan has won a record-tying three Intercontinental Cups, as well as one FIFA Club World Cup, seven European Cups/Champions League titles (an Italian record), the UEFA Super Cup a record-tying five times, and the Cup Winners’ Cup twice.
Milan also holds the joint record for most UEFA Super Cup victories. Milan is tied for second place with Internazionale as the most successful club in Serie A, having won 18 league titles between the two teams. However, Juventus remains the most successful club in Serie A overall (36 league titles). Additionally, they have been victorious in the Coppa Italia five times, as well as the Supercoppa Italiana seven times. San Siro, which is sometimes referred to as the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, is where all of Milan’s home games are held.
It is the largest stadium in all of Italian football, with a total capacity of 75,923 seats, and it is shared with Internazionale, the city’s other major football team and rival. They have a long-standing rivalry with Inter, with whom they compete in the Derby della Madonnina, which is one of the most watched derbies in all of football. The Madonnina Derby is also one of the most famous derbies in Italy.

The club is one of the wealthiest in all of football, both in Italy and around the world. It was a founding member of both the G-14 group of Europe’s premier football clubs, which no longer exists, as well as the European Club Association, which was created to replace the G-14.
Officially named the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza after the former footballer who played for both Milan and Inter, the San Siro is the team’s home stadium. It has a capacity of 75,923 spectators. San Siro is the name of the neighborhood in which it is situated, and this is the term that is most usually used. Since it was privately built in 1926 with finance from Milan’s chairman at the time, Piero Pirelli, San Siro has served as Milan’s home stadium. San Siro has been the home of Milan ever since. The building was put up by one hundred and twenty different employees over the course of thirteen and a half months. The stadium belonged to the club until it was sold to the city in 1935, and ever since 1947, when Inter was recognized as a joint tenant, it has been shared with them. Before that, it was owned by the club.

The first game ever played at the stadium was on September 19, 1926, and it was a friendly match between Inter and Milan. Inter won the game 6–3. On September 19, 1926, Milan played their first league game at San Siro, which was a loss to Sampierdarenese by a score of 1-2. The stadium had an initial capacity of 35,000 spectators, but it has since had numerous significant modifications, the most recent of which was in preparation for the 1990 FIFA World Cup, when its capacity was adjusted to 85,700 and it was given a polycarbonate roof. Its capacity was lowered to 80,018 during the summer of 2008 in order to conform to the new guidelines established by UEFA.

From the very beginning, black and red have been recognized as the Associazione Calcio Milan club’s official colors. This is connected to the team’s moniker, Rossoneri, which literally translates to “red-black” from the Italian language.

The only thing that was changed in this most recent facelift was the typeface; the numerals that appear below the circle and indicate the year Milan was founded have been made larger. Additionally, the colors of red and black shifted, albeit only very little.
The former owner of AC Milan failed to make a $37 million loan payment that was owed to Paul Elliott Singer’s hedge fund company in July 2018, which resulted in Singer becoming the owner of the Italian soccer team. Singer was born on August 22, 1944.

Elliott had provided the previous owner with a loan of $400 million in order to assist him in the process of purchasing the team, which competes in the highest level of soccer competition in Italy. Singer eventually stated that Elliott plans to return AC Milan “to the pantheon of top European football clubs where it rightly belongs” and to inject $66 million to “stabilize the club’s finances” and “fund AC Milan’s transformation.” Although the company had been expected to sell the club and entertained negotiations, Singer stated that Elliott plans to return AC Milan “to the pantheon of top European football clubs where it rightly belongs.”