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Atlas Fútbol Club is a Mexican football club based in Guadalajara, Jalisco. The club competes in the Liga MX, the top flight of Mexican football.
Atlas FC Youth Development System
Atlas are renowned for having a successful youth academy setup. In the last few decades, Atlas have developed many players who have gone on to have professional careers domestically and internationally. Many young players enter the Atlas youth academy knowing that they’ll have a strong possibility to play with the first team due to the club philosophy of allowing youth players the opportunity to be promoted to the first team.

Although Atlas has only won the league championship once, their academy has been famous for developing players for the Mexico national football team in the past few decades like Jared Borgetti, Daniel Osorno, José de Jesús Corona, Pável Pardo, Oswaldo Sánchez, Rafael Márquez, Juan Carlos Medina, Jorge Hernández, Mario Méndez, Miguel Zepeda, Juan Pablo Rodriguez, Juan Pablo Garcia, Hugo Ayala, Jorge Torres Nilo, Edgar Ivan Pacheco, Andrés Guardado and many more. The club’s lower youth divisions have achieved many titles domestically as well as internationally.
Atlas FC Academy
The Official Schools and Atlas Academies began in 2014 as a fundamental part of the philosophy The Academy of Mexican Soccer. From the beginning, the mission of this project was to attract players across the country who seek to belong and represent the colors of Atlas FC.

In 2019, hand in hand with Orlegi Sports, the Academies project was turned around, resuming the Club’s foundations, focusing on developing in all our students the values and soccer skills that represent the institution, in a 100% educational environment . Hand in hand with the entire team of Academies, Basic Forces and Human Development, we will provide the necessary tools to enhance their growth.
Within our work methodology in the Atlas Academies project, there is a direct link with the First Team and Basic Forces sports areas, so it is clear for the Club that we are an important source of talent.
With the banner of being the best quarry in Mexico and having a unique methodology, it is that it seeks to influence and align all our Academies, both in Mexico, as in the United States and Latin America, and thus develop the excellence of our students, not only in the sports field, but also human, always backed by our motto: Winning by Serving is the Only Option.
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Piedras Negras Dirección: Calle Rayón # 403, Colonia, Piedras Negras, Coahuila Contacto: Idolina Maciel Ramírez Teléfono: 878133 2457 Registro Único de Franquicia: 39071702 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Texcoco Dirección: Calle Emiliano Zapata s / n, Colonia Santa Úrsula, Texcoco, Estado de México. Contacto: Profesor Sixto Pineda Núñez Teléfono: 55 3324 8277 Registro Único de Franquicia: 37071706 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Oaxaca Dirección: Norte 1 con oriente # 11, Col. Víctor Bravo Ahuja, Oaxaca, Polideportivo Venustiano Carranza Contacto: Verónica Magali Velásquez Ricardez Teléfono: (951) 395 9109 Registro Único de Franquicia: 33031707 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC CEFORD Dirección: Unidad Deportiva CECADI. Calle Jaltomate 301, Fracc. Ojocaliente I, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. Contacto: Lucy Guerra Teléfono: 449 272 0955 Cel: 449 285 8904 Registro Único de Franquicia: 09031605 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Zamora Dirección: Estadio Zamora. Calle 20 de Noviembre 751 Col.20 de Noviembre, Zamora, Michoacán Contacto: Andrés Navarro Teléfono: 351102 8550 Registro Único de Franquicia: 05111503 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Arboledas Dirección: Av. Juárez # 67, Colonia San Mateo, Tecoloapan Atizapan de Zaragoza, Estado de México. Contacto: Karina Ávila Martínez y Francisco Hernández Teléfono: 01554320 2545 y 63 55 23 48 Registro Único de Franquicia: 29091606 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Mexicali Dirección: Blvd. Anáhuac s / n, Centro Recreativo Juventud 2000 Contacto: Ing. Leonardo Licón Dowling Teléfono: 686175 0038 Correo electrónico: atlasmexicali@hotmail.com Registro Único de Franquicia: 27061701 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Temo Morelos Dirección: Carretera Cuernavaca S / N, Unidad Deportiva San Carlos, San Carlos, Municipio de Yautepec, CP 62737 Contacto: Cuauhtémoc Martínez Torres Teléfono: 551260 9127 Registro Único de Franquicia: 22061606 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC León Dirección: Unidad Deportiva Luis I Rodríguez (Deportiva la Coecilla), Congreso de Chilpancingo, CP 37232, León, Gto. Contacto: Rafael Fuentes Teléfono: 462222 2945 Registro Único de Franquicia: 10111605 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC San Nicolás Dirección: Av. Rómulo Garza, Col. Antiguo Corral Piedra; San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León Contacto: Jaqueline Fernanda Felix Piña Teléfono: 818162 8034 y 618144 8590 Registro Único de Franquicia: 43031802 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC CEFAR Dirección: Allende # 157 Colonia centro Tonalá Jalisco CP 45400 Contacto: Christian Jonathan Correa Galán y Eduardo Castillo González Teléfono: 331564 8462 y 332 378 3190 Registro Único de Franquicia: 42111703 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Ruso San Rafael Dirección: Km. 17.6 de la carretera a Chapala, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco; Club Social y Deportivo de Caja Popular San Rafael. Contacto: Prisiliano Ocegueda Teléfono: 33 12 42 13 74 Registro Único de Franquicia: 41091703 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Juniors Cuautepec Dirección: Deportivo Juventino Rosas Cuautepec, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México. Contacto: Profesor Antonio Miranda Teléfono: 55 5503 3341 y 55 3596 7883 Facebook: Atlas JR Registro Único de Franquicia: 31111606 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Laurel Tultepec Dirección: Calle Matamoros # 10, Col. Teyahualco, Tultepec. Estado de México Contacto: Roberto López Taba y Karen López López Teléfono: 55 20 22 43 55 Registro Único de Franquicia: 08021606 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Ruso Dirección: Camino a San Isidro Mezatepec # 1540 Col. Rancho Santa Anita, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco. Contacto: Prisiliano Ocegueda Teléfono: 33 31 98 06 64 Registro Único de Franquicia: 12111503 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Chaires DF Dirección: Velódromo Olímpico Calle Agustín Melgar s / n Col. Jardín Balbuena Delegación Venustiano Carranza, CDMX. Teléfono: 55 2456 4959 y 55 2014 0089 Registro Único de Franquicia: 03101506 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Zurdo Cortes Dirección: Santa Cruz del Valle # 396, Col. Valle de la Misericordia, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco Contacto: Jazmín Cortes Y Lety Vega Teléfono: 33 1648 1594 Whatsapp: 33 1161 2735 Registro Único de Franquicia: 44061803 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Proyectarte Dirección: Periférico Norte # 616, Colonia Lomas de Zapopan Director: Carlos Curiel Contacto: Hernán Martínez Teléfono: 3321551182 y 3318116177 Registro Único de Franquicia: 45081803 |
Academia de fútbol Atlas FC EFAR Dirección: Deportivo Sao Paulo: Prol Av. 8 de julio, Jesús Michel González # 52, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco. Contacto: Ing. Miguel Ángel Núñez Zambrano y Rubén Darío Rodríguez López Teléfono: 33 3956 5023 y 33 1063 0243 Registro Único de Franquicia: 46101803 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Club Atlas Chapalita Dirección: Av. Nicolás Copérnico # 943, Colonia Residencial Plaza Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco. Contacto: Antonio Guzmán Almaral Teléfono: 01 33 1002 1700 ext. 2200 y 2201 Registro Único de Franquicia: 48121803 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Club Atlas Colomos Dirección: Calle Paseo Atlas Colomos # 2000, Colonia Lomas del Bosque, Zapopan, Jalisco. Contacto: Mónica Arreola Anguiano Teléfono: 01 33 36480120 ext. 1123 y 1145 Registro Único de Franquicia: 47121803 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC San Luis Dirección: Parque Tangamanga 1, campos 11 y 13, Av. Salvador Nava S / N, San Luis Potosí Contacto: Jesús Meléndez. 444 238 6041 Registro Único de Franquicia: 49011905 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Selectivo Dirección: Campos Wembley. Calle Prolongación Vicente Guerrero en cruce con Adolf Horn, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco Informes: Oscar Sánchez. 33 1270 8458 Registro Único de Franquicia: 50011903 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Centenario Dirección: Unidad deportiva Cadete Vicente Suárez. AV. De la Cruz 1950, col. San Marcos, Ud. 19. Contacto: Eduardo Martínez Teléfono: 33 1469 8601 Registro Único de Franquicia: 51280203 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC SUTERM Dirección: Carretera libre a Zapotlanejo # 3500 Teléfono: 333 400 2907 Contactos: Javier Muñoz Pulido y Luis Enrique Muñoz Pulido Registro Único de Franquicia: 52051903 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Cd. Guzmán Dirección: Av. Carlos Páez s / n. Estadio Olímpico, Ciudad Guzmán Contacto: José Antonio Bautista Ramos y José Antonio Chávez Solano Teléfono: 341119 5626 y 33 1845 2770 Registro Único de Franquicia: 53051903 | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Tampico Dirección: Sporting 7. Av. Valles S / N, Fraccionamiento Arcángeles Tampico. Contacto: Lic. Martín Méndez Badillo Teléfono: Oficina: 833511 11 65 y 833511 11 86 Celular: 833327 91 83 |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Piamonte Dirección: POBOX # 30072 Portland, OR 97294 Contacto: Heladio Cruz Teléfono: 971 3134236 Correo electrónico: president@fcpiamonte.org | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC Omoa Dirección: Local dentro de municipalidad de Omoa, Cortes, frente a carretera CA-13 Contacto: Raúl Sevilla Teléfono: 903 8191 435 Correo electrónico: sevilla.16@hotmail.com | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC FUTSAT San Lucas Dirección: Autopista Querétaro # 1007-G, calle S. Marqués, colonia San Lucas Tepetlacalco, Tlalnepantla, Edo. Méx. Contacto: Román García López Teléfono: 55 1388 6911 Correo electrónico: atlassanlucas@futsat.com, gol@futsat.com |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC FUTSAT Ojo de Agua Dirección: Paseo de las Carretas s / n. Fraccionamiento Ojo de Agua, Tecámac, Estado de México, CP 55760 Contacto: Edgar Gustavo Lara Lozano Teléfono: 55 4984 8337 Correo electrónico: atlasojodeagua@futsat.com , gol@futsat.com | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC FUTSAT Coacalco Dirección: Av. Eje 3 No. 60, Coronel San Pablo de las Salinas, Tultitlán, Estado de México, CP 54930 Contacto: José David Berrones Rubio Teléfono: 55 1196 5807 Correo electrónico: atlascoacalco@futsat.com, gol@futsat.com | Academia de Fútbol Atlas FC FUTSAT Satélite Dirección: Cto. Médicos s / n, Cd. Satélite, Naucalpan, Edo. Méx. Contacto: Joaquín Vivanco del Castillo Teléfono: 55 5562 3367, 777215 5136 Correo electrónico: gol@futsat.com |
Academia de Fútbol Atlas Mérida Dirección: Calle 40 por 15 y 13, Colonia San Pedro Uxmal Chuburná y Calle 59J por 106 y 108, Colonia Bojorquez. Contacto: Fernando Tovar Razo / Mario A Rodríguez Monroy Teléfono: 9984119882 Correo electrónico: academiaatlasmerida@gmail.com | Academia de Fútbol Atlas Xalapa Dirección: Cayetano Rodríguez S/N Contacto: Aldo Mateoly Flores Irala Teléfono: 2289798230 Correo electrónico: akadmia-atlas-oficial-xalapa@hotmail.com | mateoly_18@hotmail.com | Academia de Fútbol Atlas CD Juárez Dirección: Paseo de la victoria #2118, Partido Senecu. CP. 32470, Ciudad Juárez. Contacto: Rafael Guzmán Teléfono: 6561257698 Correo electrónico: rguzmano@hotmail.com |
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Atlas FC History
The technical abilities that the “Atlistas” utilized, such as triangle passing and skilled dribbling to escape tackles from opponents, was astounding, and as a result, they rose to the top of the Mexican football elite very quickly. As a consequence of this, Atlas and Chivas, another team from Guadalajara, have a lengthy history in the first division, and the game that they play against one another is known as the “Clásico Tapato.” Club Atlas enjoyed a golden age in the late 1990s under the management of Ricardo La Volpe, with promising players such as Rafael Márquez, Daniel Osorno, Juan Pablo Rodriguez, Pavel Pardo, Mario Méndez, Omar Briceo, Miguel Zepeda, and Cesar Andrade. However, despite having a team with enormous talent and reaching the Verano 1999 final, they were unable to conquer the title and were defeated by Deportivo Toluca.
The Estadio Jalisco, which is the third largest stadium in Mexico and was built on the 31st of January in 1960, is where Atlas plays its home games at the moment. It is a stadium that has hosted historic matches and teams, such as Pelé’s Brazil in 1970. Among the other teams who have competed there.

It hosted a total of eight games during the 1970 FIFA World Cup, six of which were matches played during the group stage, and the other two were quarterfinal and semifinal matches. After then, the stadium was used as a venue for nine games during the 1986 FIFA World Cup. Six of the games were played during the group stage, one was played during the round of sixteen, and the final two games were played during the quarterfinals and the semi-finals.
Juan José Cortina, the creator of the Rojinegro squad, persuaded a friend to construct the shield for them. Throughout their entire history, the shield has remained largely unchanged and has only had a small number of minor adjustments.

Grupo Orlegi is a diversified commercial conglomerate that currently operates in thirteen of the Mexican Republic’s states in addition to a number of other nations, including the United States of America, Belize, Cuba, Colombia, and Scotland. It has a total of 377 direct collaborators, 570 temporary collaborators, and 1800 indirect collaborators, and it also has cultural diversity due to the fact that its collaborators come from 11 different countries.

Orlegi Sports & Entertainment, which focuses on the sports market, and Orlegi Negocios, which is committed to the creation and development of commercial ventures, are the company’s two distinct business lines. Its flag consists of the letters O and E, which correspond to the Basque word “Orlegi,” which means green. When the word “Orlegi” is divided, it leaves the word “Egi,” which comes from the same origin and implies reality. The phrase “Green Reality” describes what the company stands for.
He got his start in the sports industry as the owner of the Santos Laguna Club, a professional soccer team that competes in the MX League. He also owns the sports, social, and cultural complex known as Santos Modelo Territory, which is home to the Corona Stadium. It started diversifying its company by founding the Impulso TSM firms and incorporating Jalser as a corporation. This was the beginning of its expansion into other markets. In 2016, Orlegi launched the project for TM Ftbol Club in Tamaulipas, which competes in the Liga de Ascenso MX. Additionally, in 2016, Orlegi launched Grupo Inmobiliario Orlegi, a building business that works on projects at the national and international levels.