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Club Universidad Nacional, Asociación Civil, commonly known as U.N.A.M. or simply Pumas, is a Mexican professional football club based in Mexico City. The club competes in the Liga MX, the top flight of Mexican football.
Pumas de UNAM Youth Development System
Pumas’ philosophy is all about the youth talent and developing new players all the time for which they have a very prominent structure that enables just that. Notable Pumas’ players are Hugo Sánchez (5 times top scorer in La Liga), Manuel Negrete, Luis García, Claudio Suárez, Luis Flores, Jorge Campos, among many others.

Pumas de UNAM Reserves
Club de Fútbol Universidad Nacional A. C. Reserves and Academy are the under-20, under-17 and under-15 teams of Mexican Liga MX Club Universidad Nacional.
Pumas de UNAM Academy
There are historical teams in Mexican soccer, but like Pumas, none. Our University, our history and tradition, our colors and our quarry endorse what has been said. But there is something even stronger that makes us unique: our capacity for training.

It is that DNA that has made us shine that we are willing to recover and we are achieving. Because in the club it is written that this is the origin of our greatness. Providing the first team with fully prepared footballers is one of our objectives; However, the goal of our academy is not only that, it is also to once again be the hotbed of Mexican soccer and of course the National Team.
As of this writing, there are currently no tryouts listed on their website. Please come back at a later date or check back at their official website by clicking here.
Pumas de UNAM Soccer Schools
The affiliate schools of the University Club are a comprehensive sports project, which supports the physical training of children and adolescents through soccer, with the sports methodology of the Pumas as the main tool.

The branch schools promote the practice of soccer in a healthy, controlled and familiar environment. They are designed to stimulate and teach this sport in a formative way, without distinction of abilities, by promoting the values of UNAM. Similarly, the official school system is a method of detecting sports talents, which can be part of the basic forces of the Pumas.
On May 19, 2015, a cooperation agreement was created for the opening of an academy structure, between the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies (FESI) and the University Club PUMAS.

Thus, it seeks to promote the recruitment of soccer talent and that young people from nearby communities can be observed and prepared with a view to being part of the academy of PUMAS.
With this agreement, the National University Club opened its horizons of soccer talent in the north of the city. This area encompasses a wide niche, in which young people from the municipalities of Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla and Cuautitlán Izcalli, among others, can be received.

Thus, the sub-16, 15, 14 and 13 year old categories were created in parallel to those that already exist in the Cantera, which can participate in basic strength tournaments, as long as the University Club considers it appropriate.
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Aguascalientes | Gabriel Antonio Macías Zavala | (449) 326-9831 | pumasaguascalientes@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo Ferrocarrilero, Prolongación Alameda esq. Av. Gómez Morín S / N, Col. Ferronales, CP 20180, Aguascalientes. | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Tijuana | Jose Castillo | (664) 368-3074 | pumastijuanaoficial@gmail.com | Map | Calz. University 14418, International Industrial Park, Sports Facilities of the UABC. Otay, Tijuana, Baja California | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Adr Leandro Valle | Alfredo David Ramírez Rangel | 5558-8638 | (55) 8584-5280 | pumas_leandrovalle_fc@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo Leandro Valle, Av. Rojo Gómez S / N Esquina Sur 8, Col. Agrícola Oriental, CP 8500, México, DF | |
Alvaro Obregon | Benjamin Romero Cortés | (55) 8012-5979 | martinpumas_a.o@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo Plateros, Francisco P. Miranda S / N, Col. Lomas de Plateros, CP 01600, CDMX. | Link | |
Azcapotzalco | Rafael Rodriguez Diaz | 55 4992 2879 | rafarodriguez210995@gmail.com | Map | Benito Juárez Xalpa Morelos Sports Unit No. 124 Bis, Col. San Pedro Xalpa Del. Azcapotzalco, Mexico | Link | |
Ciff | Gerardo Sanchez | 2612-0843 | (55) 3887-8763 | ciffpumasmexico@prodigy.net.mx | Map | Radames Treviño S / N Street, Olympic Velodrome. Col. Jardín Balbuena, Del. Venustiano Carranza, CP 15900 | |
Coyoacan | Oscar Montes de Oca | 5992-1115 | (55) 1705-1930 | pumascoyoacan@gmail.com | Map | Deportivo La Fragata. London esq. Abasolo, Col. Del Carmen Coyoacán, Delg. Coyoacan | |
Cuemanco | Luis Fortino Diaz Avila | 5845-2939 | (55) 6355-3130 | pumas.cuemanco@hotmail.com | Map | Periférico Oriente, Esq. Canal Nacional Parque Ecológico Cuemanco (field No.9) In front of the plant market. Mexico Federal District | |
Spain Iztapalapa | Cesar Gil G. | 5632-5327 | (55) 1376-1904 | esc.pumaspana@hotmail.com | Map | Calle España Mz 42 Lote 2, Iztapalapa, Cerro de la Estrella, 09880 Mexico City, CDMX | Link |
Beautiful view | Mauricio E. Cerecero | (55) 3189-1487 | prisma74@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo 18 De Marzo in Insurgentes and Montevideo Gustavo A. Madero, Federal District | Link | |
Oceania | Arturo Canto | 2603-6236 | (55) 6122-8485 | pumas_oceania@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo Oceanía, Av. Oceanía and Tahel S / N Col. Pensador Mexicano Deleg. Venustiano Carranza, CP 15510 Mexico, DF | Link |
O’farril | Veronica Triujeque | (55) 4597-9843 | pumas_filial@hotmail.com | Map | Av. Calzada de las Águlas s / n, corner Av. Rómulo O´Farril, Col. Las Aguilas, “Las Águilas Japan” Ecological Park Alvaro Obregón, Federal District | Link | |
West | Carlos Magana Campos | 5580355467 | pumasponiente1@gmail.com | Map | Alameda Poniente calle Joaquín Gallo 101 Santa Fe, 01219 Mexico City soccer field 7 | ||
Sinatel | Brian Flores Delgado | 55-3889-9978 | 55-1859-5519 | pumassinatel@gmail.com | Map | Deportivo Tranviarios. Sur 73 # 441, Col. Justo Sierra, Iztapalapa City Hall, CDMX, CP 09460. | Link |
South | Yakir rosenfeld | 5573-3425 | (55) 5513 7940 | filialpumassur@hotmail.com | Map | Allende S / N Col. Tlalpan, Quinta Soledad, Tlalpan, Federal District, CP 14000. | |
Team | Yoshua figueroa | 5678 5371 | 55 1198 7533 | pumasteam17@hotmail.com | Map | Calz. Del Hueso # 400, Col. Los Girasoles CP04920 Del. Coyoacán, Federal District | Link |
Bullfighting | Enrique Avila | 3187-0035 | (55) 3267-9643 | eavila@pumassatelite.com | Map | Rodolfo Gaona s / n, behind the Wal-Mart de Toreo, State of Mexico | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Chiapas | Omar Lievano Hernandez | 9671480182 | filialoficialpumaschiapas@hotmail.com | Map | Deportivo San Cristóbal – Extension Ignacio Allende S / N. Colonia Los Pinos. CP. 29200. San Cristóbal de las Casas.Chiapas. |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Manzanillo | Gustavo Amador | (314) 332-4570 | pumasmanzanillooficial@gmail.com | Map | Avenida Elias Zamora Verduzco S / N, Rancho Don Andrés, Salagua, Manzanillo, Colima | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Chalco | Genaro Salinas and Alfonso Espinosa | (55) 7133-3723 | pumaschalco_oficial@hotmail.com | Map | Km 33.5 Carretera Federal México Cuautla, Chalco, Edo. From Mexico CP 56600 | ||
Cuautitlan | Mayra Paola Garcia Manriquez | 5543263612 | pumashuerta_06@hotmail.com | Map | Rancho San Joaquín s / n Tultepec. Fraccionamiento santa Elena CP: 54850 Cuautitlán Mex | Link | |
Interlomas | Carlos Magana Campos | 6387-3364 | (55) 2344-1319 | comunicacion@pumasinterlomas.com.mx | Map | Franco Inglés School, Carretera al Olivo # 686, Col. Lomas de Vista Hermosa, Huixquilucan. CP 05100 | |
Metepec | Antonio Quezada | (722) -232-0458 | direccionpumasmetepec@hotmail.com | Map | Carretera Metepec Zacango s / n Col. Magdalena Ocotitlán, Metepec, Edo de México. Next to the Colegio Aristos. | Link | |
Neza | Ricardo Guerrero | (55) 1457-4758 | filialpumasneza@gmail.com | Map | Manuel María Contreras No. 156, col. México, CP 57620, Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico. | Link | |
Waterhole | Luis Santillán | (55) 1078-7240 | filial_pumasojodeagua@hotmail.com | Map | Soccer fields 7 “Wembley”, Boulevard Ojo de Agua s / n, Multiplaza Ojo de Agua | ||
Kings | Erik Augusto Rosales Luna | (55) -1552-2734 | (55) -3246-5839 | pumasreyesoficial@gmail.com | Map | Deportivo Soraya Jiménez. Direct Circuit to the Plaza Estado de México in Honor of Soraya Jiménez, Ejidal El Pino, 56507 La Paz, Mex. | Link |
Saint Matthew | Juan Carlos Cano | (55) 8050 8990 | (55) 7969-4174 | jccano@pumassanmateo.com | Map | Calle Camino Real a San Mateo S / N, Col. San Mateo Nopala, CP 53220, State of Mexico. | |
Tepotzotlan | Carlos Velazquez | (55) 4690-9393 | pumastepotzotlan@gmail.com | Map | Villa Melgarejo, Avenida Tlalocan, # 24 Axotlán, C Izcalli State of Mexico. | ||
Zama | Victor Ibarra | 6567-6826 | (55) 4484-5319 | filialpumaszama@gmail.com | Map | Via José López Portillo No. 111, Coacalco de Berriozabal, Edo. From Mexico, CP 55700 State of Mexico | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Celaya | Josué Gabriel Franco Jiménez | (461) 239-5211 | pumascelaya@hotmail.com | Map | Avena Street # 1, Col. La Cruz, Celaya, Guanajuato |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Acapulco | Ariel Alvarez Barajas | (744) 319-5494 | arielalvarezbarajas@hotmail.com | Map | Av. La sanja S / N boulevard de las Naciones Acapulco, Gro. | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Guadalajara | Thelma Villalvazo / Karina Pérez | (333) -069-8417 | (333) -451-0899 | pumasescuela@hotmail.com | Map | Hidalgo Street No. 130, La Magdalena, Zapopan, Jalisco. | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Pumas Morelia | J. Cesar Uribe Peña | 44 37294629 | filialpumamorelia@hotmail.com | Map | Wenceslao Soto Sports Unit. Calle José del Río S / N Col Jardines de Guadalupe, CP 58140 |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Burgos Cuernavaca | Eduardo Martuscelli | 77-7326-0304 | 77-7406-2706 | filialpumascuernavaca@gmail.com | Map | Paseo de los burgos # 185, Fraccionamiento Burgos Cuernavaca, Temixco, Morelos. CP 62584 | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Asuncion Ixtaltepec | JESÚS SALVADOR HERBERT VEGA | 958 107 9423 | salvadorherbert13@gmail.com | IXTALTEPEC-ESPINAL ROAD, FIFTH SECTION | |||
Oaxaca | Juan Carlos González Rosas | 95-1108-9526 | 95-1455-5738 | shaapulin8@gmail.com | Ejutla Street # 18, Oaxaca, Oaxaca. CP 68144. | ||
Tuxtepec | Alvaro Castro | (287) 875-4807 | pumasfilialtuxtepec@hotmail.com | Map | Blvd. Benito Juárez S / N Casa de la Cultura, Dr. Victor Bravo Ahuja, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, CP 68300 | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Cholula Center | Jose Carlos Vega Aguayo | (222) -490-5931 | filialpumascentrocholula@hotmail.com | Map | Extension 5 de Mayo # 3021, Col. Zona San Diego – Forjadores, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla. CP 72760 | Link |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Cancun | Arturo Córdova Ireta | (998) 109-6284 | filial_pumas_cancun@hotmail.com | Map | Facilities of the Technological Institute of Cancun, Av. Kabah Mz. 51, Cancun, Quintana Roo. | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Beautiful villa | Guadalupe Morales | 313-9859 | (993) -108-8382 | pumasfilialtabasco@gmail.com | Map | Olimpia XXI Sports Unit, Parque Tabasco, CP 86037, Villahermosa, Tabasco. |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
PUMAS Utah | pumasutah@gmail.com | Map | Link |

Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | Website | |
Three valleys | Jose Israel Torres | (999) – 270- 8670 | Pumasfilialtresvalles@outlook.com | Map | Boulevard Presidents of Mexico s / n. Ursulo Galván Hill. Tres Valles, See ZIP: 95300. | Link | |
Xalapa | Ana Isabel Gómez Pelegrín Ochoa | (228) 812-9547 | (228) 360-5587 | filialpumasxalapa@gmail.com | Map | Paseo de los alpes No. 60, Fracc. La Marquesa Ánimas, CP 91190, Xalapa, Veracruz. |
Subsidiary | Contact | Telephone | Cell phone | Location | Direction | RS | |
Azores Merida | Kenny Barrera Achach and Jose Francisco Soberanis | (999) 748-5804 | filialpumasazores@outlook.com | Map | 134A Street x 49 and 51 Colonia El Porvenir, Mérida, Yucatán. CP 97226. | Link |
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UNAM History
Domestically, Universidad Nacional has won 11 trophies: 7 Liga MX, 1 Copa MX, the Campeón de Campeones thrice, as well as 1 Segunda División de México. The club has achieved four victories in international club competition, including three CONCACAF Champions Leagues and one Copa Interamericana. The club has been in competition with Club América for a very long time, and games between the two clubs are commonly referred to as the Clásico Capitalino. The club is consistently ranked among the most well-attended clubs in all of Mexico. Alongside Clásico Capitalino foe América, Cruz Azul and Guadalajara are considered to be the Cuatro Grandes in Liga MX.

The team is also known for their youth development system which has produced international players such as Hugo Sánchez, Manuel Negrete, Luis Flores, Miguel España, Claudio Suárez, Luis García, Alberto García Aspe, David Patiño, Jorge Campos, Gerardo Torrado, Efraín Juárez, Héctor Moreno, Pablo Barrera, Israel Castro, Eduardo Herrera and Jesús Gallardo.
Estadio Olímpico Universitario is a multi-purpose stadium located inside Ciudad Universitaria in Mexico City. It was constructed in 1952, and at the time of its completion, it had the title of being Mexico’s largest stadium. This stadium can accommodate up to 72,000 people at once. The first significant gathering to take place in the stadium was the Pan American Games in 1955. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) were the two main Mexican public institutions during that time period, and this stadium was mostly utilized for college American football matches between the two schools.
Beginning in the late 1950s, it was utilized for games of football, as well as some games of American football and athletics. Frank Lloyd Wright, an influential American architect, referred to it as “the most important structure in the modern America.”

The stadium played host to four games during the 1986 FIFA World Cup, however the championship match was held in Mexico City’s Estadio Azteca because it was a larger venue. PUMAS and the American football team Pumas Dorados de la UNAM both call this stadium their home field at the present time. This athletic complex is a component of Ciudad Universitaria, also known as “University City,” which serves as the primary campus of the UNAM.
Since its inception in the middle of the 1900s, the crest that represents the PUMAS UNAM soccer team has undergone four different iterations of redesign. By using a blue and gold palette throughout its history, PUMAS have managed to keep their colors looking quite consistent.

In 1973, Alejandro Cadaval Torres, who was serving as the institution’s Sports Director at the time, commissioned Manuel Rodrguez ‘El Pajarito,’ a Mexican graphic artist, to create a new badge for the university. Mr. Rodrguez would get his creative juices flowing by making regular trips to the Chapultepec Zoo to draw real pumas. It took him three months and far over 800 designs before he arrived at the design that is currently being used. On April 20, 1974, the phenomenally innovative new design was shown out.

Although the University owns Pumas in its entirety, the organization is overseen by a board of trustees. In contrast to the vast majority of other clubs in Mexico, which receive support from private investment or an owner, the University Club’s statutes establish that a Board of Trustees made up of people who are close to the club and the student community have the responsibility of ensuring that the organization complies satisfactorily with its ends. This is in contrast to the fact that the vast majority of other clubs in Mexico receive support from private investment or an owner.

This Board of Trustees has a term of two years, during which they are responsible for planning, executing, and deciding for the benefit of the institution’s partners. They do this through a general assembly that is held periodically, during which they are informed with the luxury of details regarding the financial and sporting activities of the entity. This Board of Trustees is in charge of planning, executing, and deciding for the benefit of the institution’s partners. The revenue from the club is given to the Board of Trustees, who are responsible for paying all of the team’s expenses. If there is any money remaining after that, the University will also get a profit from the club.